
Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods: Twelve Ways You Can Unlock God’s Word is unavailable, but you can change that!

You were created to become like Christ. This is one of the five God-ordained purposes for your life described in The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, and it’s why studying the Bible is so important. The Bible’s truths will transform you, aligning you with the character and ways of Jesus as you encounter him in the Scriptures. This easy-to-understand book shows you how to study the Bible Rick...

people might normally overlook, because he is trained in observation. Second, he begins asking questions on the basis of what he has observed. Third, after intense observation and questioning, he starts putting the evidence together and interpreting what he has. Fourth, he compares and correlates, piecing together all the evidence he has collected to see how each fact relates to the others. Finally, he draws a conclusion and makes a decision on the basis of what he believes actually occurred and
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